OK, #46402DB is A/B crankshaft note: they list a change around ser #146040 but don't get specific, maybe DA/DB suffix? #356308R1 is standard C/Super C/200/230 crankshaft #251587R92 is replacement crankshaft for A/B/C/SC note: this gets hairy the later you go because parts books list the crank 'assy' w/ bearings and changes the number for a factory turned crank (.030) All these reference the same connecting rod #30926DF#368711R1 is 240 crankshaft My experience: I pulled a 356308 crankshaft out of a B engine block (obviously a transplant, also had a later cyl head on it) and put it in a Super C block (#354898) and am still using that motor today. So the later cranks will go in the earlier motors, and I assume the other way around but can't say definitively based on experience. Hugh, The parts books show so many ser # breaks on the Super A's I got a headache ;) ;) But if I surmise correctly reading between the lines..., they went to the new block with larger sleeve openings at ser #310300 (but apparently w/ very thick sleeves to maintain 3" bore), then came out with the SA-1 at #356001 with the thinner sleeves for 3 1/8" bore, taller radiator and water pump... Vyron, My extra crank I am 90% sure is the #356308, will have to check tomorrow. It came from a running motor but will need to be cleaned and turned. I would sell it for $50 as is, or through the shop w/o bearings (est $110). I'm taking a 240 crank in this week so could get it done easily. Email me direct if interested, or if I can help further. I am in VA. Stan(VA).