Ray: Just some thoughts on utility tractors. If we look at the term utility one would question the use IH made of the term. They determined that there were 300, 350, 240, 340, 460, 606, 656, etc. utility tractors. To the average guy a lot of other tractors could have been considered utility tractors. I know a lot of people that view the term utility tractor as the small tractor we do a host of light jobs with. So as IH determined, the super C was never a utility tractor, it was just a plain old row crop tractor. In the tractors I listed above with the exception of the 606, IH made what they called a Farmall row crop version and what they called a Utility version of same tractor power train. The IH Utility was clearly a tractor to compete with Ford and Ferguson. (same configuration) I listened to two farmers once arguing on which was best Farmall or Utility. One fellow said that since the Utility was closer to ground it was much easier for the many times one had to get on and off during the working day. To which the Farmall guy responded, " On the Farmall your sitting up high enough to better see your working surroundings that you don't have to be getting off tractor all the time to find your way around the field." I'm not sure here whether good eye sight or long in the legs would be most important factor. Seriously both versions did indeed have their uses, I just don't think IH made the best choise, in the word Utility if you consider what the dictionary has to say on the subject.