I posted this on the implement page, but thought it interesting enough to post here as well. While tromping around the bush yesterday on the site of an old logging operation, I came across a horse drawn IHC/McCormick sickle mower. It was parked along side about 5 very old vehicles including a 1922 6 cylinder truck with a wooden cab, a couple old 3 ton Ford trucks, an old "half track" vehicle, which is a huge truck with 2 ski's !!!! on the front.Anyway, getting back to the mower. It is all IHC, sickle bar still there, seat is excellent, levers, steel wheels, the whole nine yards. It had a tool box mounted to the axle with 3/8" cotter keys on the lid. The lid had McCormick Hamilton Ont. cast into it. I'm thinking of heading back there and trying to get this thing out. Nobody has claim to this stuff as it is out in the bush along the railway line where I work. I remember seeing those old trucks there at least 21 years ago, none of the stuff seems to have been disturbed since then, and surely it has been there for 40 years or more. Does anyone have any info on the mower, and seeing that IHC joined up with McCormick at some point, what year this thing could be. The only real markings I could find other than part numbers, was cast in upper case letters on the top of the axle NEW 4. Any help would be appreciated.