I just received news that my web site has been established. It, of course, is in its draft stage (under contruction) and is 'rough', but I'm so tickled with its potential that I couldn't wait to share it with you. It will be going thru a lot of makeovers in the near future.The photo on the main page is me on my W-9 (I know...it's not really a Farmall, but IT IS RED IRON)at a fun pull in Centerburg, Ohio this past September. This was the first public outing for the W-9. The sled boys couldn't stop me until I hit the chewed up ground at the end of the run despite them using the pull back tractor Farmall M for more resistance. The M driver had to stand on his brakes. I had my hands out because it was raining hot metal thingys out of the W-9's exhaust stack. Just put a new manifold on the fat beast(it's a long story). The photo page is mainly overhead shots of the Land of Legend Antique Tractor Club's annual Plow Days. Sister-in-law, Jill, was very resourceful in getting these shots. The other photo is brother Mike, me, cousin Fred Pfeffer, and Bill posing in front of the ready-to-roll second load of RED IRON heading out to this year's Hartford Fair. We took 8 tractors to the Fair this year...well, really 9 if you count Fred's MH 333. Man was that a thorn amongst the roses! Keep checking in. If you have suggestions for the site (other than gettin' it done), let me know. www.oldoakfarmalls.com