Some of you may remember me asking a whole bunch of questions about my 1066 transmission and it's problems.I ended up buying another tractor with a bad engine, and putting the two together to make one good tractor. I had all this done in time to use the tractor this fall, to do all my yearly clipping and grading. All Hi range gears and first / low makes some noise, and I still have some adjusting to do on the shifter, but everything seems to be working fine. Well, this weekend was dry enough to move dirt, so I hitched up to my 5 yard pan and headed out to fill in and old ditch run in one of our cotton fields. I was borrowing dirt off an old gray, clay ridge. I've never had so much fun driving a tractor in all my life! I don't have any weights on the front-end and the area where I was loading was hard. I like to cut in 2nd gear low, in hard ground and that ol' 10 would raise the front wheels about a foot and when dirt started spilling over the sides of the pan, I'd start shutting the gate and the front end would ease back down. THAT, my friends, is FUN! Conditions were just right. That particular tractor, set up the way it is, had found ground just right to load it up, and it was pulling all it possibly could and never faultered. It don't match all up like that often. Just thought I'd share this and thank everyone on this board for the help you all have been. This 1066 is my first Farmall. Hope everyone has a good and safe holiday. Mitch