You wrote: "How much would a 1949 Farmall cub with a plow, blade, sicklemower, and a cornplanter be valued at? " Well now, that all depends on condition and location, location, location. Here in Canada, that Cub would probably be worth $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 or more/or less depending on the condition of the implements and the Cub itself. I am assuming that it is either a 193 or a 185 moldboard which would be worth $200.00/$250.00, the sickle bar (Cub-22) probably about $100.00, I am assuming that it is the Cub 54A blade which is worth about $250.00 and the planter which is probably worth about $150.00. So just in implements you have about $700.00, and the Cub should be worth at least $1,000.00. This is Canadian, so in US Funds say about $1,200.oo to $1,500.00 US thereabouts. Again, it all depends on what part of the country you are in. If you check the other forums which can be accessed from the Manual Server, read some of the posts, it will give you a good idea of what a Cub is worth in your area. Remember, all the above is a guestimate, and hypothetical considering we have no idea what condition your Cub is in. Hope this helps