This could be a never-ending project if you really get into it! You'll likely save cost, and certainly save time if you can find a tractor that has some of what you want already on it! A few months back, there was a Farmall M in the Photo Ads that had a considerable amount of M&W stuff on it. If I was going to try this, I'd look on e-bay for some old M&W literature, ads, catalog, etc, to find out what they provided, and perhaps get some pictures. Also, a mid-to-late 1950s Tractor Supply catalog will occasionally show up on e-bay, and they have a bunch of things that were add-ons for Farmalls; everything from different ratio gearsets to special lever attachments for pto and belt pulley controls. Don't overlook old IH literature concerning specialty features that were available from the factory, but not commonly ordered in a particular part of the country. Take a digital camera with you to some big tractor shows, and look for unique items or usual items set up in different ways. Red Power Roundup would be a good place to start. Sometimes, if you just walk slowly and look each one over carefully, you'll find things that weren't factory items, but the owner left them on when restoring because the tractor may have been equipped with them for 50 years or more. If you find some old codger sitting in a lawnchair next to an interesting tractor, ask him about it, and get his memory going on what he farmed with a few years back. Long, slow walks through tractor graveyards will find you a few gems, also. Somewhere in the archives is a rather extensive list of add-on items that were available. I would have no idea what topic to search under to find it, however. I guess you could simply ask folks to post what's on their Farmalls that isn't factory stock. Good luck with this, and please update us on your project from time to time!