Mike: Back 10 years ago I lived in a neighbor hood where it seemed like once a month someone was having their house, shop, etc. broken into. Everyone except two of us, what did we have in common, "dogs". Not vicious watch dogs, just dogs that made some noise if you were home and a lot of noise if you weren't. They were basically house dogs with very sharp ears. Far better to have a house dog, and good yard lights. Far better to have your cannon pointed out a dark window than his cannon pointed at you or your dog. On more than one ocasion I have been roused from whatever I am doing by my dog. Yes I have watched would be intruders fleeing on foot at the sound of the dog barking. Same when your not home, intruders are never absolutely sure the dog is alone. It is far better if he can't come in contact with them. My dog was loud enough when I was not home to rouse the neighbors. Dog also seems to sence whether there is danger as well. If I felt there wasn't danger I used to let him out. Now there is a down side to this, called skunks, porqupines, etc. Luckily my dog never made those mistakes twice. Theives definately don't like dealing with a dog they can't see.