If you look over to the right of this page, under "Research and Info", you'll find the serial number list for your 404 to see what year it is. They were made from 1961 to 1968. I have a 1965 moodel 424 diesel, and I think it's a wonderful little tractor. Your 404 is a litle smaller twin to mine. Your local CNH dealer should be able to get manuals for you, and many parts are still available from CNH. Several years ago, I checked into getting a loader for mine, and had a hard time coming up with listings in loader manufacturers literature for this series of tractors. I did find one or two loaders that could be ordered with mounting kits to fit my 424, but that was several yeas back, and, since I did not follow through and buy a loader, I can't be of much help there. Check with dealers who are agents for loaders, and someone will come up with something. Dimension-wise, these tractors are very close to the Ford 'N series.