Barnstormer: Any tractor should start unassisted at 25 degrees F. Also I don't believe anyone is suggesting 66 series didn't put out the horse power. I have never seen a 66 series that wouldn't exceed it's rated hp as it came from factory. Problem is they are not efficient. I bought my 1066 new in 1975 and in 8 years put 10,000 hours on it. It was a real hog on fuel especially on light work, now I didn't need to use mine on light work. All 66 series tractors that came to our area came without water filters, and 90% of them fell to cavitation around 8 years, didn't matter whether it had 2,000 hours or 10,000 hours. One heck of a heart breaker for the guy with 2,000 hours on his machine. There are 56 series tractors over 20,000 hours that have never been rebuilt, not a lot but a few. Very few 06 and 56 tractors didn't make 10,000 hours to first engine rebuild. Most 966 and 1066 had engine rebuilds before 5,000 hours. Many of them are still under 10,000 hours and had 2 engine rebuilds. I was luckey 1066 at 10,000 hours in 8 years, 656D at 10,000 hours in 15 years 560D 11,000 hours in 17 years and a 100 hp Deere 14,000 hours 15 years. Those figures are hours and years to first engine rebuild. Most 1066 didn't even come close to that. Remember only efficient tractors will make money for you,doesn't matter how much hp they have. In my opinion with new tractors approaching the $1,000. per horse power range, they damn well should have a 15,000 hour, absolute guarentee on the engine, maybe even the whole tractor.