None of the motors I have had the 'pleasure' of dealing with this problem on (3 so far, 2 with mains swapped, 1 with rods swapped) have had the main caps marked, which I suppose is why it's so easy to mix them up. On the two with mains swapped, both had the thrust cap in the right place, but the other two were swapped. Anyway, if your motor is still on the tractor with crank in place, and inserts still in the caps, then you know where the thrust cap goes (thrust bearing is the 'C' shaped one with sides), you will have to measure clearances (plastigauge, etc) to determine proper place for the other two. If motor is totally dissasembled, again, start by identifying the thrust cap which should be the center cap on this motor (center cap on H/M series, rear cap on A/B/C series). (there should be two caps with similar casting marks and one that's different, that is the thrust cap.) You also need to know what direction they face. You often get lucky if the bolt holes are slightly offset drilled on the thrust, the sides will not line up when on the wrong way. Once you find that one you can usually go by casting numbers facing the same way to get the others that might not be so obvious. You will need to measure the diameter in each bore and do a select fit to find proper place for the front and back caps. Good luck, Stan(VA).