Paul in Mich
02-24-2004 07:13:20
Re: Make Run or Paint First? in reply to Tony, 02-24-2004 05:50:29
Tony, The easy and short answer to your question is get it running first. Having said that, there are some parts that you may find to be easier to paint while disassembled, or at least give a prime coat. Most people I've talked to and I included shoot at least one coat of primer, and 3 coats of finish paint to complete the rebuild. While it is true that your first priority is to get the tractor running good before painting, your second priority will probably be to stop all the leaks by replacing seals and gaskets. As you go through this processs, you will discover that there are nooks and crannies that make it very difficult to paint when assembled. In that case, you can prime or even go so far as to prime and paint first finish coat before assembling that particular segment. Chances are that you will end up painting places that didn't get painted at the factory because of their inaccessability. After you get all the mechanical work done including seals and gaskets, you will find that you will disassemble some parts to make it easier to clean up and paint. Thats when you will want to have everything primed, and then complete a first coat of finish paint on everything. Next you'll probably want to assemble everything but sheet metal, and give a second finish coat, then assemble all the sheet metal and give a third and final finish coat with everything fully assembled. The exceptions to this are those items which are to be painted a different color, which you will add after the painting is complete or masked in the process. Essentially, you wnat to have everything in good operating order before you paint, but as you see, restoring is a total, ongoing process, not necessarily one in defined segments.