carl... i had a problem with a farmall 404 awhile back. it kept eating the pilot bearing and the clutch was draging a lot. i didnt get to see just what your problem was concerning you clutch other then draging. but this is what happened to mine. i dont know if the 504 is similiar to the 404 but on the 404 there is a shaft from the clutch to the transmission. there is a coupling on the shaft near the transmission. on the 404 it has 4 tapered bolts in it. it looks something like a universal joint but i think it is a flex joint. in the center of this joint is a plate . it isnt exactly flat but its there for the ends of the couplings. if you have the tractor split apart go a little further and check this coupling and plate. on the 404 you have to split one more piece to get to the coupling. i dont know if you have to do this with the 504. mark the coupling the way it came off for easy assembly .check the holes in the plate and the coupling joints for wear. it doesnt take much wear to cause the clutck problem. those holes in mine were slightly egg shaped and that was all that was needed to cause the clutch and pilot bearing problem. i put in a new plate and all seems fine now. i hope that you find your problem and this is all that i can think of for your problem. hope it helps you. also check for bolt wear. the ones in the 404 are a tapered bolt. make a post on here to let us know how you are making out. good luck. J in Pa