gorilla1, If you are in the 100 hp market there are other JD that are better a choice than a 4020. My personal loader tractor is a 966 w/ a 2350 IH loader. I love it. It has no cab, has a fresh TA,clutch. weakest point on mine is the frontend! OK, JD, 4520,4620 in the 20 series will out preform a regular 4020. Be sure the tractor has a Powershift tranny. These tractors will have the heavier frontend. 4020 is a great tractor but, the front end isn't very good. And most 4020s have a million hrs on them, rebuilt 5 or 6 timesThe newer series 4030/4230,4040/4240 same hp class with better refinements. Got a 4230, straight 8 speed W/new Koyker loader for my cousin last summer. Bought @ Amarillo,TX and delivered to Lampassas,TX $15,000, + - 500mi. Only other modification we have done to it is loose the floation tractor tire on front, in favor of the airplane tires we have on it now. They will stand up to loader work better! 12ply, 220 MPH rated, You can't run a stob or something through it like regular tires. Hope this helps, John A. OBTW.....call Fastline on Mon. and get on the mailing list.....it's better than the Sears Christmas Wishbook! They have a version that is state/region specific to you..... 800-332-7854 or fastline.com