CNKS: That is one of the problems with todays society. Oh, if it's not right we'll just put up with it. I happen to get an OEM catalogue, and for the prices they charge they should be 100% correct with everything. In the past we have had discussions on here regarding the demise of IH, often with reference to the book A Corperate Tragety. The consences is IH went down because corperate managers were out of touch with the customer. There opinion was they were going to sell us what they considered we needed. Plain and simple they forgot one principle of business," That being the costomer is always right." Did they forget, or were they just ahead of their time. Today every major corperation out there is operating exactly as IH did. It's just a case of build it and convince the public they need it. Oh sure they put in the items the public are asking for, but how much more useless crap along with it. A few things I see, North America did not embrace the front wheel drive car to the extent Corperate America took it. Just look at how light truck sales soared. Look at household appliances, quality is no more, it's use it 5 years and throw it out. Some of us do like the option. New cars, trucks, tractors and any other motorized vehicles are being carted off to the dealer two and three times per year. You hear of tractor customers being without their two year old tractor for the entire planting season. That never happened in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. I bought 3 new cars, 2 new pickups, 6 new tractors during 60 and 70 and not one of them were ever back to the dealer within ten years, car and trucks never. Since being involved here at YT, I can tell you one thing. I put a whole lot more hours on tractors than average. No my friend, the same corperate intrests pull the purse strings at OEM as every where. No one ever looks when you are a 5 man shop. As you said OEM has invested heavily. Building parts exclusively for we the antique tractor guys, NO.