Joe First of all, thanks for taking the time to put so much thought into your replies. I will try to answer your questions the best I can. Can you lift a load with the loader? Yes! It will lift a full load. On Tuesday evening we were cleaning out the barn yard, and completely filled the bucket with a mixture of wet and dry horse manure. It lifted the load, but we just had to increase the rpms. I'd have to measure it for sure, but I'm gonna say that the bucket is probably at least 5 feet wide, maybe 2 feet deep and probably close 2 feet high. Here's a question for you. Where is the pump located and is there any way I can tell what size it is? The loader does not have any problems staying up when loaded. Is the loader controlled by the normal hydraulic control levers? Yes, they are located just to the right of the seat. Is there an outside chance that some quick-couplings are not coupled properly? Don't know, probably should check. Are your loader cylinders one-way or two-way operation? I don't have a clue, is there any way to tell? Are there any 'squealing noises' heard when operating the loader? NOPE When not operating the loader? NOPE Does the tractor seem to labor (low, stalling type RPM) when it's just sitting there running and not operating the loader? NOPE Thanks!