04-25-2004 14:27:45
Re: what to use to clean M carb in reply to Paul G. in Mn, 04-25-2004 14:12:52
Go to an automotive parts store such as NAPA, car quest, etc., and ask for a container of carburetor cleaner. The brand name of the cleaner will depend on which store you are in. It is possible to buy this stuff in one gallon cans, or you can buy it in a bucket which comes with a basket inside. Completely disassemble the carb, place all of the hard parts in the basket, and immerse in the cleaner. Put the lid back on the can, and forget about it for a while, at least over night, maybe a few days. When you are satisfied that the carb is clean, remove it from the cleaner, leave the parts in the basket, and thoroughly rinse with HOT water, then use compressed air to blow through all of the holes and passages, when you blow into a passage, the air should come out somewhere else, if it doesn't, put everything back into the cleaner for a while longer. If everything is done properly, the carb will look and perform just like new.