KB: It didn't take 100 hp tractors to break clamp type wheels. In the past year on this forum we have seen several examples of H, M, 300, etc. with broken wheels, and yes of course from being loose. My dad sheared the key out of a 300 wheel the week it was new. Dealer had changed wheels from dish in to dish out and someone got careless. Speaking of standard and optional equipment, I watched my dad buy a 300 when he should have bought 400, a 560 when he should have bought 806. A neighbor bought a 656D and a 504, told me afterwards it should have been 2 - 656. My 1066 was speced out and ordered as opposed to just coming off the lot. Actually I speced out both 966 and 1066. By the time we were done and having the same equipment there was $1,200. difference in the price. One item I do remember was wedge lock wheels, standard on 1066 and optional on 966. This could well have been just how the local dealer was treating it. It could also be that standard equipment in Canada was not standard equipment in the US. This wouldn't be the first argument I've seen on here, because of differences on what was standard or optional both sides of the border. You should compare the Little Genius No. 8 plows sold in the US with the same plow sold in Canada. If you want send me an e mail, I can send a photo of that Canadian Little Genius. I do know much of the advertising, ie. buyers guide, sales brosures, pricing, etc are all different printing between the two countries.