Wow, a lot of info goes through here quickly! I couldn't access the archive search (down for maint, -- just like my tractor ) so I am asking here for a quickie.I have a Marvel-Schebler TSX-765 (though my model tractor and manuals indicate it ought to be a TSX-157 (gasoline). The Farmall manual from Binder's books tells me the float height from the top (bottom) of the float to the machined surface should be 1 5/32" total and the floats are darned near that all by themselves. My little guide that I got with my rebuild kit said the float to edge of machined surface should be a 1/4" parallel from actual top of float to surface of carb body held upside down of the part where float attaches. I was pretty sure that CNKS mentioned that it should be 9/32" as described instead of 1/4", so now a little confusion is setting in. Lastly, the manual diagram and the parts diagram do not show the little "spring" on the float needle valve and I was wondering if that was a manual glitch or if the spring came along at a later date? Most importantly, I would like to know that float height setting. Thanks all, Christopher