Ed: you wrote : "I have an International Low Boy serial number 23436 with offset engine. When ordering parts I am confused because the serial number seems to indicate it is a 1948 model year but I understand Lo Boys were not made until 1955. Did the serial numbers restart for Lo Boys? " Couple things that need to be cleared up. prior to 1955 the only Cubs that were made were the McCormick-Deering International Farmall Cubs and had a few different versions on the decals. These are the standard Cubs which were designed for small acreage farmers (40 acres or less) and first entered production in 1947. The serial numbers started at #501. As you know, in 1955, IH introduced the INTERNATIONAL CUB Lo-Boy. This was a modified version of the Farmall Cub and the main differences are the shorter spindles and the rotated finals. The serial numbers started at #501 also. The Lo-Boy was designed primarily to meet the needs of Federal, State, Municipal needs for highway and park maintenance as well as for estate or yard work. Your Lo-Boy Serial Number 23436 was made during the 1967 production year. No Lo-Boy carried the Farmall name, just the International name. If you go to>Link Also, btw, all Farmall Cubs and Lo-boys - except the Number Series Lo-Boys were Cultivision style tractors (engine offset to the left) to allow a clearer view of the plantings etc. If you would like more info, please visit the Manual Server at the link below. There are many links to tons of interesting info on Farmall Cubs and International Lo-Boys. As for the statement: "This is apparently a Lo Boy to Hi Boy conversion I am told." Whoever told you that, seems to know absolutely nothing about Cubs. No such thing as a conversion as they are 2 separate and distinct tractors. I guess one could convert a Farmall to a Lo-Boy, but why seems to escape me.....????? The statement did give me my daily chuckle though, so thank you muchly for that. I hope the above has cleared up the situation for you a bit.