This morning on YT photo adds there appears, add number 74715 a Farmall A514. This is a sharp looking tractor, and to we average North Americans it looks like a Farmall 460 with steering mast, controls and seat of a Farmall H or SH. A few days ago Redfan set me straight on Super M, Super BM, AM, etc. One tractor he mentioned was a A554. Another guy Bundy Bear has raised questions on these tractors and the differences between US, British and Austrailian tractors. How about it guys, lets see a few photos in the photo gallery of these tractors. Don't forget to add items like years of production, options like 3 point hitch. Just maybe YT should make a special section in gallery, called comparison of tractors like US built M, SM, SMTA, 400, 450 and 560; British built BM, SBM, B-450: Austrailian built AM, A7, A514 and A554, and others as I'm sure I've missed a few. There may also be comparisons in smaller Farmalls, the big Standards or Utilities. Come on guys get on here and let us know what your old iron is, don't just read about ours.