As Jim said, great little mowing tractor and also great little cultivating tractor, but you will not do both jobs with the same tractor very long. Change over time from mower to cultivator just takes too long. The other item that has a lot to do with value is current equipment such as fast hitch. Fast Hitch equiped models will be a lot more versatile for use on a vegetable farm. I have 3 of these tractors, and until 2 months ago they all had fast hitch. At that time I removed fast hitch from my Super A and installed a Woods belly mower. As far as I am concerned that mower is on there to stay, I can use the tractor for trailers, etc. I have a 130 and a 140 both with fast hitch. I grow quite a few vegetables but only use one set of center mount cultivators. I have a dozen fast hitch implements, such as plows, disk, cultivators (S tine field type and row crop), 2 row corn planter, single row planter, rotary hoe, boom sprayer and a vegetable bed shaper. I do very little row crop cultivating anymore. I grow all my vegetables on raised beds and make those beds in early Oct and let the weeds grow. Here the frost will nail them shortly after germination, if not Roundup will in either fall and or spring. In spring I do no till seeding, on those beds. All weeds close enough to surface to germinate have already done so. I also use a rotation of buckwheat on the off year. Buckwheat is very agressive and will crowd out weeds, but you must plow it under before it goes to seed or it can become a weed problem. See now, I have even talked you out of the Farmall as you can do all this with your 8N and 3 point. You could buy the Farmall and leave mower on it. If you would like some photos of implements I use e mail me.