My $.02. Valves are set hot, not sure of spec and they can be set with tank on but I usually prop up the fuel tank with a 2X4 or similar between clutch housing and tank frame until I get head re-torqued and valves set and the cover back on. To get the most life out of your TA, USE IT!!! Pull the lever back fully and quickly, push it ahead the same way. The weakest part of the TA is the ramp/roller assembly (overrunning clutch). Moving the lever quickly lets the rollers do their job. I don’t know where you live, but if you live in a colder climate, let the transmission warm up before you try to use the TA. DON’T step on the clutch, pull the TA and then “dump” the clutch (like shifting from 4th to 5th gear), as this puts an abrupt load on the ramp/rollers and can cause them to not bite, slip and wear a flat spot that will only get worse. A drawbar from a letter model IH will fit and you can take the fast hitch off including under the belly and replace it with even the pull block for a swinging drawbar.