Carp: I don't think you would find that 666 gas to be much improvment over the 450 on the power end. As you know, I've always called these tractors an M with comfort, and lord knows I better say more power. Got crucified for omiting the power issue last time I said it. There was a clear evolution from M, SM, SMTA, 400, 450, 560, 656, 666 and 686. It went from basically a bare bones M, adding items like live hydraulics, IPTO, TA, Fast Hitch, power steering, 3 point hitch, six cylinder and finally comfort. On the diesel side you can also add going from gas start, to glow plugs to direct injection. The 3 point hitch on these 56, 66 and 86 series versions are second to none. They changed the wide front steering linkage on these making them allmost as manuverable as a narrow front. I remember just after getting my 656, it was parked in a relatively small shed for size of the tractor. A friend dropped in for a visit, an avid MF 35 - 135 man. Refering to the 656, he said' " how do you like the ark." to which I responded," I have a tractor just as agile as yours in the hayfield, and it will pull a 5x16 plow and I'll bet it doesn't burn as much fuel per acre as your beloved 35." Send me an e mail, I have a site listing for quite a number of these tractors, some of them not far from you. You can also let me know if that land mail arrived. Just want to be satisfied.