Definitely, thank you for considering us. Many business simply refuse to ship to Canada anymore. My preference, just because of where I live, is the post office. UPS brokerage fees are absolutely outrageous up here. How about a $60US fibreglass saddlebag lid for a Harley (no duty on harley parts) that wound up costing $279CDN by the time UPS got through with it? And.....they sent it via Canada Post anyway because they don't service rural areas. They also will not deliver to a PO Box number or a land description (rural address) which is all some of us have. We don't have street addresses or local mail delivery. So....I ended up paying them (UPS)major money to use the post office! As parcel services go, Purolator is much better, followed by FEDEX. I will never deal with UPS again on anything. Oh, a funny note about country living. Once i was arguing on the phone about this very subject and the woman, exasperated when I maintained that I have no street address and wanted my shipment sent via mail, to my PO Box number, asked me, "ok....if your house was on fire and you called 911, what address would you give them?" I said, "Well, it would burn to the ground if I did that cuz we don't HAVE 911 here, but if I called the fire department, I'd have to tell them "Stan Harrisson's Old Place" even though old Stan's been dead for 40 years, or they'd never find it." Or they always want to know my cell phone number. Well, go-o-ollee! Cell phones don't work here..... .DUH! City people just don't get it! One woman when I was ordering computer parts asked me what my address was listed as in the phone book. "Farm" sez I. She then asks, "Yeah, but where?" "Right in the phone book, after my name, it says Farm..... .as an address, just like nearly everyone else in my local phone book. That's how we're listed by the phone company" She nearly had a heart attack laughing at that one. "What's so funny about living on a farm?" I says. "I just had this vision of a hick in bib overalls chewing on a piece of straw typing at the computer" she says, still laughing. SHEESH!