If you have a true 12 Volt coil, NO RESISTOR IS EVER NEEDED. If you have a coil rated for 12 Volts that states "USE WITH EXTERNAL RESISTOR" the resistor is ALWAYS used between the ignition switch and the coil. These are actually, more or less, a 6 Volt coil. It is NEVER proper to use the resistor between the coil and the points. For best spark, produced by the interaction of the coil, points, and condensor, you DO NOT WANT the resistor to be in the line between the coil and the points and condensor. You will still have spark, if you wire the reistor in the wrong way, but at the expense of spark intensity and point longevity. Also, for best spark, if the tractor is set up positive battery ground, the (+) side of the coil goes to the distributor. If the tractor is set up negative battery ground, the (-) side of the coil goes to the distributor.