hello all,A few more questions when anyone has the time/energy. The tranny oil and hydraulic systems are seperate...correct? Where do I check, drain and add hydro fluide? Will good old R and O work or do I need something special? Where do I check, add and drain the tranny? Will good old GL5 90 weight work or do I need something special? And how about oil for my TA? My tractor still has a basic fast hitch...did these ever have a seperate drawbar or was it just the fast hitch drawbar? Where does the breather from my valve cover connect to? Who is the a good source for rebuilt injectors? Lastly, on Friday at 3:00pm we will weigh this tractor. Anyone who would like to guess the weight is invited, perhaps I would even mail the person with the closest guess some Vermont maple Syrup or cabot cheddar. 1959 460 WFE TA Fast hitch no fenders, one battery, unloaded tires, almost empty fuel tank, fast hitch drawbar.