This is "quick 'n dirty" test that works for me: 1 - Pull the center wire out of the mag distributor cap. Plug it onto a good spark plug. 2 - Lay the mag on it's side on a bench. Then lay the plug top of the mag so the plug shell is touching the metal mag housing. 3 - With your fingers quickly spin the mag drive coupling clockwise 1/2 turn at a time (you gotta spin it fast so the impulse doesn't catch). If the mag is good you will get a blue spark with every half turn of the coupling. (You will feel a "bump" in turning resistance at the point where the mag "fires".) This will verify the high voltage section of the mag. To test the distributor part: 4 - Put the center wire back into the distributor cap. 5 - Take a second plug wire and stick into any of the remaining cap towers, then place the other end on the spark plug like before. 6 - Repeat the spin test above. You should get a spark once every TWO revolutions of the drive coupling. A word of warning: Do this only with dry hands! If you are at all sweaty, the mag is good and finger is in the wrong spot you run a good chance of being knocked on your a$$ when the mag me!