Erich: The proper one furrow two way plow (as they were called) for the Super A is the model A-189 or 189. The A-189 was built from 1947 to 1958 and later called just 189 from 1958 until 1961. The plow was available in 12, 14 and 16 inch cut. From your description it sounds as though you have the A-189 as it probably came new with tractor. On the Rare or not Rare question, that may be debateable in 2004. There were vast numbers of these plows were sold new. Problem is people for one reason or another didn't keep these all these plow pieces together. I have the split lift rear rockshaft, and no plows. My rockshaft had been welded solid by someone, for use with a 295 two furrow plow. I have on numerous ocasions seen the right turning plow. The left turning plows seem more rare. My thoughts on this are when these tractors were in the hands of commercial farmers everything was kept intact. As these tractors became the possessions of home gardeners or just ordinary home owners, often they weren't plowing enough so disposed of the left turning plow. I believe many disposed of both plows and kept the split rear rockshaft. In many cases these unwanted pieces were hauled to the local scrapyard. Oh they tried to sell it first, but serious buyers wanted the complete set up. There are still a few complete plows around, but complete and working as yours does, quite rare. Another factor of course has been grand children selling off grandpa possessions to a buyer who knew even less than they. Several years later they discovered the red iron hanging on the barn wall was indeed part of the tractor they bought. By then barn had been buldozed for development. Yet another factor has been used tractor dealers, selling items by the piece. The major problem all along has been buyers lack of knowledge.