For now, I'm gonna pay the big bucks and have it hauled home in a non-running condition. Once it gets here, I'm gonna pull and check the glow plugs. A previous response told me to check to be sure the glow plugs are installed correctly. They currently are above the injectors. Is this correct? When I said it tried to run on 1 cylinder, I meant I got a decent "thud" on every reveloution. No black smoke at all, but a goodly amount of white vapors out the exhaust pipe. Does this mean anything? The oil level is good and it puts out 30-35 psi oil pressure just on cranking it. The rest of the machine was maintained perfectly, so I suspect a sudden failure, not just a slow deterioation of the engine due to neglect. THe air filter (cartridge type) is a bit dirty, but I can still see light thru it. Might this be a problem? (I don't want to start buying a lot of parts until I know for sure it's going to run again) It has an electric fuel pump, which moves the fuel along pretty good, but not with a lot of force (when the lines are loosened). Is it possible the pump is getting weak and just not delivering ENOUGH fuel to the injector pump? Thanks for all the advice. I wouldn't even try this project without your help!