Mark, This is the little brother to the B 414. Made in England or India, forerunner to the Mahindras. Tough tractor, stout, works like a mule. Somewhere in the 30-35 horse range, just under 30 (26?)on the PTO, will handle 5 foot rotary mower, 6 foot blade, two plows, 6 - 8 foot disk, etc. Problems: smokes like a broke stove when they start up, lasts a few minutes even in hot weather. In cold weather, my B 414 has smoked for a half hour before getting warm. In cold climates, you need a lot of battery to operate the glow plugs for at least a minute, maybe a minute and a half and then roll the motor fast. They can be hard to start. I've seen them go around here (Texas) for $1500 to $2500 depending on tires, general condition, hours, etc. Pretty easy to work on, a couple of manuals will get you all the info you need to keep the little guy happy. I like my B 414. Hope this helps. UFO Man