Brian: 1 – Tension on both belts is set by adjusting the “split sheave” on the fan hub (for the fan belt) and on the generator hub (for the gen belt). To tighten either belt, first loosen the set screw that secures the threaded half of the split sheave to the hub. Then rotate the threaded sheave half as required to move it closer to the fixed half. A blunt punch and a hammer are helpful if the sheave is stubborn (they often are!). Helps also if you shoot a bit of PB Blaster, WD-40 or similar onto the threads first – but don’t get any on the belt! Suggest doing the generator first – it’s easier to get at and to understand the process. Once you have the generator figured out then attack the fan belt! 2 – If the ignition system is in good condition, the distributor cap and wires are in good shape (clean, no cracks, everything fits tight, etc), rain/snow falling on the distributor won’t cause any problem. However there’s nothing wrong with shielding the coil/distributor with a flap cut from an old inner tube, a trimmed plastic antifreeze jug, etc. 3 – Standard commercial grade nuts ‘n bolts should hold your snowplow frame just fine, presuming they are sized properly. My plow frame attaches to the tractor frame with 3/4" bolts threaded into the existing tapped holes in the fixed bolster and the front engine mounts. Happy snow plowing – it won’t be long now! (1st snow here in western NY is forecast for the end of the week...)