10-27-2004 10:53:07
Re: 560? 806 PISTONS/SLEEVES in reply to Aces, 10-27-2004 05:11:55
Aces, arent all the blocks the basic same castings from the diesels and the gas engines?224-301?? Just speaking on the gas blocks, the 560 and the 806 had the same stroke, rod and rod bearing. All of thr IH 6cyl pistons (besides the short stroked 460 224) had the same stroke in them from 263-301, all the difference was in the bore sizes. I am thinking along the same lines on the diesil engines as well. UNLESS the diesils are wet sleeved, and I dont think they are,,, Most of the differences was the head, pistons, and timing cover to adapt the diesel accesories, and filters. 806 engines were not sleeved, and ran on the block walls instead of a dry sleeve like the 560"s were. Yes, you can bore the 560 block out to 3-13/16 bore, and use the 806 pistons in place of the 560 pistons, use the 806 head gasket which is a bit larger diameter fire ring, so it fits the larger bore. I dont think the stock 560 pump will do you justice on this kind of set up, you may think of finding a pump off a combine 301D maybe from a 503, or a 715. this engine would be capable of triple digit HP if you tuned the pump in to it. Shoot add a turbo off an IH crawler, whoa man!! cheap hp. Best advice also on machine work to the block is when you have it bored, have them deck the block as well to make sure it has a level surface and not warped. It might help with holding in the head gasket with out blowing it easily like they were famous for. Same for the head surface as well. Years back, dad had a 560D with the 301 kit installed for a puller and a work horse, at one time it had a turbo on it, but was removed when we got it. had no trouble pulling a 4-16 pull type plow in 3rd gear, sometimes 4th! Was alot of hp for that 560, make sure the TA is rebuilt! ChadS