Figured this was as good a place to ask this question,(especially since we have a newly-published author among us!). I recently bought a valve grinding machine. The gentleman I bought it from also threw in a "manual and parts list" that he had purchased off of ebay. This is nothing more than some photocopys of the original manual stapled together. I looked on ebay to see if I could find an original manual for the valve grinder, but all that's currently listed are more photocopies that someone just ran off from the originals. Is this legal? The thought crossed my mind of making some copies of other various original manuals that I have(specifically IH/Farmall tech-related) and listing them for sale on ebay too. What's the copyright law on this kind of thing? I know that IH doesn't publish these manuals or offer them for sale anymore(referring here to shop manuals that were never intended to be released to the general public anyway). If this is in violation of some law, how is me making copies of my manuals and offering them for sale any different than selling the manual itself? Any thoughts, advice, or actual real-world experience pertaining to this would be appreciated!