Ok.heres a loose copy of what Mr.TW Cook put on another site in 1999 and I have it still hanging on the shop wall.Its has always worked for me.It goes as follows: Close the idle adjusting screw(just below the governor connection)to its seat,then open one turn.Run at fast idle without load until warm.Close throttle by pushing control lever all the way forward.back out the throttle stop screw a little at a time until desired idle speed is acheived.speed up the engine then recheck the idle adjustment. To adjust the main fuel(on the bottom),advance the speed control to fast idle position (pull rearward to advance),and turn the main fuel adjustment clockwise until the the fuel flow is shot off and the speed of the engine drops because of the lean mixture; then open until the engine runs smoothly.after the engine has been at full load,readjust as necessary.always adjust so that the engine operates smoothly with as lean a mixture as possible. If the engine is not receiving the correct mixture of fuel,it is possible that the main jet adjusting screw has loosened.If necessary,tighten the adjustment screw packing nut securely. I hope Mr.Cook doesn't mind me passing this along.The credit is all his and if he sees this, THANK YOU from me as this saved my butt more times than I can count..good luck