Stan: I am not familiar with the particular 3 point adapter from Tractor Supply. I will say this however, most 3 point adapters I've seen for 1 point fast hitches were not that well designed, this includes 3 attempts I've made fabricating one for myself. Where most builders of these fall down, is the fail to realize the brute strength of these little tractors. I elude to the fact you are having problems with weld breaking, and it is less than 6 month old. I haven't used my 3 point contraptions in years. I found it far better to install a 1 point fork on the implement. I think a good 3 point adapter could be designed if enough dollars were used. It however wouldn't be an adapter, but rather a conversion from 1 point to 3 point. On the 12.4 tires and the problem of hitch not going low enough. Most oversize tires on these tractors have been installed to give better clearence when implement is in the raised position. Granted they were also looking for more traction. You have 3 items on that 1 point hitch that can change the lift range of the hitch. First the rod coming back from left front rockshaft that lifts the hitch is adjustable at the rear rockshaft. Secondly there are 2 position holes in rear rockshaft to hook the lift rod in. Third, the blocks on top end of the vertical links going from hitch to rear rockshaft, are adjustable in two ways. They can be turned up or down and positions of collars on vertical crank and shaft are adjustable. One problem with this last adjustment, it throws the diagnol stabilizer out of wack. If that front pull bail that Bill refers to is hooked to the underside of platform, and not via linkage to the right front rockshaft the hitch will be of little use for anything. All that was ever designed for was storing the pull bail high out of the way when cultivating high crops. For this hitch pull bar was removed and rear cultivators installed at final drives, and lifted by the rear rockshafts. For any and all uses of the fast hitch that linkage from front pull bail to right front rockshaft must be installed. It is the levelling device of that hitch, it also controls plow depth. I have a two row John Deere 246 corn planter, converted to 1 point fast hitch. The guy I bought the planter from says my 1 point depth control, does better than any 3 point tractors he ever used on planter. I would suggest if you convert that 7' box blade to 1 point fast hitch, you would find the levelling control of 140 fast hitch would do an excellent of controling flow of material when grading. I don't have a box blade nor have I ever used one. I do however have a device for shaping beds for vegetables, much the same principle. 1 point far superior over 3 point for this type of work. Last I will suggest if you fabricate any 1 point equipment for a Super A, 100, 130 or 140, build it rugged. Just use your imagination and think there may be an H up front. Anything less will embarrass you.