Hey, everyone, I'm back after a long absence. The tractor has been running fine, though I busted my shredder and just had a friend fix it, so I am back in the seat. Lately, the PTO on my `44A has been coming apart.What is happening is: the screw that holds the PTO shaft to the gear is backing out and the whole shebang comes apart inside the unit and the PTO shaft comes off with a whining sound that has become too familiar. Though no damage occurs, it has not been my desire to receive regular practice at removal, rebuild and installation of the PTO unit on my tractor-- I like to drive it. Details: My PTO Shaft does not mate flush with the toothed gear that the bolt-lockwasher-flatwasher setup connects it to. I am guessing that either the lockwasher is worn and has to be replaced, or that I have to shim the shaft so that it sits flush with the gear, allowing, perhaps, a better boltdown. I also have the darnedest time tightening that particular connection. Currently, I put a large, flat blade screwdriver in between the teeth and then tighten it down for all I'm worth (I guess I could probably be torqueing it to about 85-100 ft lbs, maybe a tad more with my strength/size and the lack of a solid work surface.) Does anybody in the forum have any experience similar to this? If so, does replacing the lockwasher and/or shimming the shaft to gear with some flatwashers sound like a reasonable plan of attack? Are there any other suggestions that I might be able to use? Christopher and Betty