CNKS: Here is my reasoning, 1960 North American production of Farmalls, Utilities, Standards and Cubs equals 32,698. 1970 North American production of Farmalls Internationals and Cubs equals 30,708. If you average those two figures it is 31,703. Lets assume for easy figures they produced another 30,000 in other parts of the world on average. That would give 61,703 for something like 27 years from that 1,000,000 Farmall M or 1,665,981 tractors between the M and that 1066 in 1974. That is a mere 2,665,981 tractors, a far cry from 5,000,000. Just maybe IH produced more than 30,000 per year in Austrailia, Germany and Britian. It would take some damn good figures to convince me. By the way there were only 535,572 Cub Cadets ever produced by IH. IH in those years did not enjoy the sales percentage figures worldwide as they did in North America. During that 1/4 century, well over half the world agriculture production annually would have occured in United States and Canada. Production does require horse power. I may be wrong, however I think the onus is on some of these statistics guys to proove otherwise.