Hi Cmore, Yepper. Just mowed and raked or later on, used a swather with a crimper, just as in any hay field. When the hay was ready, we'd just run down the windrow with either the sweep or a buck bunching up the hay and then hauling it to the stack. We raised alfalfa for the dairy cows, so that would translate into 90 to 95 lb small bales. Just too darned much work, if a guy is putting up a lot of hay. We used a grapple and fork on the loader and either fed the hay loose or usually we liked to grind it because it was so darned much more efficient. Hay will spoil here too if it isn't put up right. The stacks need to be packed pretty darned tight and have a good rounded "roof" or "lid" built onto 'em. That's why those mechanical Haybusters never caught on; they would leave a depression or "hole" in the center of the stack and the stuff would set there and rot. It was a heck of a lot of work but sure beat the daylites outta balin' hay; well, until those ND850 series balers came along. Thought we had gone to heaven when that happened! :>) Allan