ANother sheet was kind of a big picture pf production numbers- yes, it gave numbers with precision, but I don't know how accurate it is (I see a couple of problems), but it gives and idea of how many tractors IH produced in the US 1940-1959 by major category.The small line of tractors (Chicago Tractor Works and Louisville), IH produced 769,224 between 1940 and 1958, and 14873 in 1959. This includes the Cub family, the A-140 family, and the B.C.- 240 family. Numbers peaked in 1951 (the all-time big year for IH domestic production) with 89511, fell off rapidly from there. For the bigger "Farmall Works type" tractors (including Milwaukee and Melrose Park wheel tractors), the number 1940-1958 was 1,149,888. Again, production peaked in 1951 with 82238, although 1953 (where Louisville Super Ms would have been included in this number) was a close second at 81,425. By the mid 1950s, the annual numbers were in the 40,000 range- 1954 was a real bloodbath for IH and other equipment makers. These numbers don't include crawlers, or foriegn IH tractors. The grand total 1940-1958, was 1,919,112, plus another 57,078 in 1959.