Bill: Do you by any chance know the model number of your plow? I guess I'm just wanting to satisfy my own curiosity on that one. My first question what is the wheel tread setting on tractor, center to center on rear wheels. I find my plow gives optimum performance at 52" tread setting. I can make 56" work, but it is a bit of a chalange. I have never tried 48". Is the levelling screw on the left side of hitch? I've seen a few of those get changed to right side of hitch, just will not work. Sounds to me as though your levelling crank, and on the left must be lengtened. One other item you will find with those little plows, points will wear down to a certain point, and that is it. From there it just seems as though that right front moldboard will ride the left rear moldboard right out of soil. It seem as though the more you lower the depth control the worse this situation becomes. It is rather frustrating as I have seen trailer plows with same moldboard and point, that would plow well with more wear. One thing I quite often do is weld truck spring on top of point tip. I weld this parallel with line of travel, extend it back and up point 6", thus allowing 4 to 5 inches to protrude past end of point. This tends to replace point, thus giving plow more suck. I find you can only do this once with each set of points as the share portion is worn by then.