I am popin in this one more time. I know I am puting my foot in my mouth on this. Because this paint thing is real subjective. You guys are the ones that like it perfect when you do it. I would also suspect when you sell your tractors you dont take them to an auction. You most likely hold onto them and sell to others like you who would pay a higher price for a well dome paint job. Absolutley nothing wrong with that.Just to give an example of auction sales I have observed. last spring there were 2 Farmall B's . One you could tell some one took the time to do a real real nice paint job on it and the owner took real good care of it. It went for some thing like $1200. (I should have jumped in on this one.) The other one was nice looking had new paint but painted with out the same attention to detail the other one was. This one went for about $1100. Its obvious that the $1200 one was a bargin at that price the other was about where it should be. The thing is, it all depends on what market your looking at. That nice B should have been sold at a collectors auction. The owner might have been compinsated for all the extra work he put into it. Because guys like you will pay him for that. The local spring and fall auctions? No way am I going to strip a tractor, prime, Paint 6 coats and add hardener. For a measly 100 bucks. Now at the other end of the discusion. For personal use. I am one of those guys that want it to purr like a kittem when I hit the starter. My details are on the inside. 50 feets close enough on the out side.