02-25-2005 13:43:49
Like I said, today was the day to make that ol 706 come back to the work force. First off, to the Tractor Vet, thank you kindly! Your advice truely paid off in this little adventure with this project! It now has about 2 hours break in time on the dyno. Head was retorqued after about 15 minutes at a light load, reset the lash again, Checked all the fluids, and fired it up. Oil pressure is about 35psi warm, It was about 40 when it first started and dropped back, steady 35 psi. Im thinking the pressure relief spring is weak, and needs replaced to give it more oil pressure. So, the 706 was on the dyno for about 35 minutes at about 1/2 throttle, the engine temp was great, to the first line on the guage. Turned off the dyno, and slowed the engine down and shut it off. Changed the oil, and filter and ran it again on the dyno. I put a bit more load on it this time round, It sputtered for a second when the load was first put on, but then smoothed right out all 6 cyls came to firing together. It had some engine oil still left over in the top of the pistons when I assembled it and now was all burning out of the compression chambers. Blowing the carbon out of it I guess you could say. It wasnt misfiring any longer, smooth under power, I think the darn thing could sing ya to sleep if you ran it for 8 -10 hrs a day. So, with about 2 hours on it, not a bit of blow by out the tube, engine temp was still to the first line, oil pressure at 35, I ran a full 540 dyno pull on it. Now, not for a long period of time, maybe 30-40 seconds, then let back off the dyno and slow the 706 rpm down slowly. Not one misfire, at 540, was 77hp. Not too bad for a 263 gas. After lowering the engine rpms, and backing off the dyno, It had a light load on the engine for about 2-3 minutes to cool it down Once the temp was cool, I shut it down. Turned off the gas shut off on the sediment bowl. Went back inside the house, and called it a day for the 706. In the morning, Im changing the oil again, and double check the points and plug gaps. Im chasing a vacuum leak on the intake after getting it warmed up like that, So, Im going to retorque the intake, it runs like it has a big cam in it at an idle, not smoking black,,, but I have not checked that yet,, Ill take some pictures of it tomorrow and give another update on the ol 706! Whew, Im tired. ChadS