First: I hate to double post on two different sites, but I want all the info I can get. I have a related post on Red Power.I just overhauled a 1256, dampner went out, although I didn't notice it wobbling, took the teeth off the cam timing gear. Put new cam, etc. in it, and am pretty happy with how it turned out. I also put a new dampner on, driving on the hub, not the weight. It was new from CIH. At an idle, I can't quite tell if the dampner is running true. The fan belt isn't quite square, thanks to a non factory alt bracket. I don't know if the paint is wore off uneven or if I have a slight wobble. I can't feel a wobble when letting my fingers run over the back of the dampner while idling. I can't feel any vibration in the tractor. If I crack the throttle and give it 2-300 rpms it looks perfect. How can I tell if I have a wobble or an optical illusion? The CIH service man said as long as the index marks line up, I am fine. Is this so? I will recap what I said at the Red Power site. I don't want to be a pain in the butt, but I want to know this topic. That is what makes these sites such a great service. There are people here who know these older tractors when you can't consistently find that at your dealer. Thanks. Dan Hanrahan