Found one of these all painted/refurbished/overhauled/etc. with loader (no power steering though) and 6' Howse Rotary Mower (used 1 year) for $7500. Did a search of the archives and found things pretty evenly split pro and con on this tractor.Possible alternatives this week are a MF 235 also redone with loader for $8500, and MF 175 with loader in working clothes (but seems like a really solid machine) with a 6'8" Woods 3-pt mower for $7350. Uses are general loader work , grooming our 13 acres of pasture, digging post holes, snow removal, etc. The B-275 looks like a really handy size for loader work, but I wonder if 6' of mower hanging on the back will feel like ice skating (compensates for the lack of power steering though). The 175 seems like the best "deal" to me, but I am wondering if it might be too large physically for my use. I need to go back and measure the stack to make sure it fits into some of the spaces I need to go. Anyway, I appreciate all thoughts and opinions and will consider them all. Kirk