Bill, You don't have to go with a Cub Plow, just plow less deep with the 2x14 plow. I have the same clay over here in Durham and if I get in to deep, I just adjust by bring it up about 2-3 inches and I keep pulling nicely. Now if only this rain would stop, I could get back in and do the last harrowing before planting. DJP, I just went through what problems you had and by virtue of Hugh and the other good folks on this board, I was able to work throug it and now do and ok job plowing but I still have a lot to learn. Here are the main things to consider. 1. After you have your plow fast hitched into your tractor, when you are opening that first furrow, make sure that the bottom of the plow is parallel to the ground. Primarily, ensure that the leveling screw is all the way up (no slack). AFTER you have done the first furrow, your right wheel will now be down in the furrow, you will need to let out the leveling screw so that the plow will remain parallel to the ground. With your tractor's right wheel in the furrow, you have to make this adjustment to keep your plow level in the ground and get max efficiency and plow cleanly. 3. There is a diagonal link that you should let loose to move freely. 4. There is a little screw collar at the end of the link lift (the link lift is the shaft that link the hydraulic rock shaft to the rear rockshaft..that long arms running the length of the tractor). If you can, loosen that collar when plowing. This will allow the plow to adjust itself despite small bumps and makes it easier on the hydraulic. 5. It's best if you have a draft link, which is the arm that attaches from the right side hydraulic rockshaft and goes under the steering wheel to the Fast Hitch bar. This maintains your draft control and also helps you level your plow to keep it parallel to the ground. It'll take some playing to get all these things working right but it's easier that it sounds. Now, there is nothing I live better than plowing, well, except for harrowing and bushogging and dragging loves but then again, I love my 100. Let me know if you have any other questions... Ramon from NC