Mornin' Harley, That is what Mike at Steel Wheel recommended, so ol' blind and unknowing me, that's what I bought. I gotta be honest with ya tho, if I had it to do over again, I'd do it different. But no, against my better judgement, I wanted to save some money and put in that used, old style torque motor. Maybe with a smaller loader, a guy would never notice it, I dunno. But without the power steering hooked into the system, this pump seems to handle the loader just as good as the PTO pump ever did. But, add that priority valve in the mix and it robs 3 1/2 gpm for the steering. All the time. That drops the available oil down to 6 ½ gpm and it slows down the loader. Also, I notice that if I want to do two operations at once, like tilt and use the grapple or lift and tilt, one function has to wait on the other. Just not enough oil. The new style torque motors can be bought, which are the "on demand" type. If I had it to do over, I'd really think about one of these types. All in all tho, it makes for a nice little loader tractor now and it is lots better than the old "Armstrong" days. :>) Allan