My first truck at 16 was an IH 1210 pickup. Strong truck, 345 if I remember right. Rust bucket, total rust bucket. They were funny too, they had what was called a line ticket, all the parts tot he turck and each truck was basicly some custom thing. If you lost the line ticket, part were hard to come but at times. I then owned a Scout, half pick up and a Travel All. The Scout was cool, and I traded it for a transmission. RUST BUCKET. The Travel All I bought one night from a guy used, junker but ran. He had no title but said he would try to find it. I did not know the guy, met him about two hours earlier at a bar and we had been drinking. This was in Rhode Island. So I bought the truck for $50.00 and we drove it all night. The the motor blew, caught fire and we left it on the side of the road. See ya. It was not in my name, never regisetered, we just drove it, so when that happend, cost versus benefit kicked in and we walked. I heard the guy was mad, the cops went to him for tow charges but we got away with that. Bad, but it was funny then. College days !