Ramon: This is where it becomes necessary for you to buy a second offset Farmall. When I grew a few more vegetables than I do now, I had my Super A set at 52" and 130 at 60". With the Super A, I could do 1 - 52" row or 2 - 26" rows. With the 130 at 60" I did 2 - 30" rows or 3 - 20" rows. Some crops just need more room than others. One of the problems doing 2 or 3 rows with these tractors, high and big plant crops tend to get mauled by the final drives. Items I would have planted in 52" or wider include staked crops, cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, etc. 2 and 3 row 20" and 26", items like lettuce, greens, turnip, rutabagas, etc. and 2 row 30" corn, beans, etc. I did all plowing and disking with SA and S tine field cultivator with 130. I used a regular 2 row corn planter and had 3 unit seeders for small vegetable seeds. I know you can set these tractors much narrower than 52", I just like to keep them upright and on wheels. Same with the the big Farmalls, I wouldn't keep one around under 72" wheel tread, unless it had duals.