Hey guys!I chanced upon a pair of rear wheel weights yesterday for my W-9. I've wanted another set since last year in order to get her closer to the max for the 7500# pulling division. Gleeful that I had found another set, I reckon my memory and judgment got a bit cloudy--I thought these I had found were a dead ringer for what was already on the 9. Not the case! I was a little disappointed when I got 'em home. The price for them was quite reasonable considering what some weights go for. They do not look like the genuine article, but the OD and bolt circle match the existing weights which are 23" and 15" respectively. The ID of the ones I just bought is larger than the existing, and the cross section is more consistent across their diameter than the existing which have more of a taper toward the outer edge. So, subtracting this and addin' that, the new ones are likely around the same weight as the existing at 150# each. There is a little bit of red paint left on the ones I just got, too. There is a number on these which reads 372687-R8. The last digit could be a 3 or a 7. What could these weights I just bought be for? A W-40 maybe? At a minimum, they will fit the W-9 and will still be allowed in the Antique Class which permits non-stock weights (they must be factory, round and resemble the standard weights). I should've posted a photo! Dang it!